Client: Lari's Healthy Kitchen
Lari's Healthy Kitchen is a premium meal delivery service based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. They focus on providing healthy, homemade meals made from locally sourced organic ingredients. Lari's is known for its commitment to quality, authenticity, and personalised customer experiences. The project entailed creating a branding and visual identity that embodies Lari's core values and resonates with their target audience, which includes health-conscious individuals, families, and busy professionals.

(Credits: Stephen Kelman)

(Credits: Julian Koening)
Lari's brand identity is a combination of Swiss design principles and the "Think Small" campaign ethos. The clean and minimalist logo, featuring a timeless sans-serif typeface and adhering to a design system, embodies the essence of Swiss design, emphasizing simplicity and clarity. "Think Small" principles are manifested in eco-conscious packaging choices and a narrative-driven approach that forges personal connections with customers while championing sustainability, mirroring the ethos of deliberate, small-scale craftsmanship.